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Challenge - A Room In My Home

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

Members have sent in some wonderful pieces of work. The challenge was to make a piece of art inspired by A Room In My Home.

A "Room in your Home" produced much careful observation and use of perspective showing so much artistic ability. One needs a wide angle to tell the full story of your room so cropped and cut off views were well used to give the viewer a sense of focus. The images of Sheila’s pantry, Kate’s stove, Pat’s printing press and Guiseppe’s daughter give us a glimpse into some of important things in our lives. Most views are from eye level, giving a pleasing normality in these difficult times of lockdown. Our eyes are drawn to details - the time on the clock, the photos of horses, potted plants and Agas. Pen and ink highlighted and suggested form. Colour either wonderfully bright or from your limited palettes enhanced the style of furnishings. I felt a real connection to David's beautiful comfy chairs that you could just imagine yourself sinking into.

Thanks to all the artists for welcoming us into their homes. Lets all enjoy the art ………...

Sheila Klein

My Pantry


Lesley Feakes

Cat Watch of the Blue Planet

Pat Lock

A sketch of my printing room - a riot of colour equates with a riot of mess!

Michael Hayes

The Dining Area


Sally White

A Room Of My Own

Michael Haynes

The Snug


Gunda Cannon

‘Living room – semi-furnished’

Watercolour and pencil wash

290 x 210 mm

Kate Rundell

The Kitchen

Pen and Watercolour

Judy Williams

Guiseppe Bertoli

My Studio - ( painting my daughter and her baby)

Chris Hautot

David Dixon

A mixture of acrylic and watercolour on canvas, it started of as a perspective in ink

Size 40 x 30cm

Clive Dand

My Studio


Clive Dand

My Bedroom

Watercolour and Ink

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