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President: Graham Lock  Chairman: Clive Dand  Treasurer: Fani Azikri   Website: Kate Rundell  Secretary: Alison Chandler 

Membership runs from 1st May each year. Activities include our exhibitions, a winter programme of demonstrations by professional artists, workshops, talks and members' painting sessions. In summer, painting days are organised around the area. Members’ work can be exhibited on the society’s website and in our exhibitions.

The current MEMBERSHIP FEE is £30 per year, with an additional fee of £1 at each meeting to help cover costs.

(If you are a renewing member please download the renewal form)

Please complete the online form below or click here to download and print the pdf version of the membership form and post the completed form to:

The WOKAS Treasurer, Fani Azikri, 58 Beacon Oak Road, Tenterden TN30 6RP

or email a completed copy of the membership form to:

Your membership will be confirmed on receipt of your membership fee.  


Online Application Form


To meet the ‘General Data Protection Regulations’ we need you to read the following and by submitting this form you acknowledge that you agree with the statements below:

  • I agree that WOKAS may keep details of my name, postal address, telephone numbers and email addresses for as long as I am member of WOKAS (and for a time after my membership ceases up to a maximum of twelve months). This information will not be shared with other parties. I agree that members of the WOKAS Committee may use this information to communicate with me about WOKAS and other art-related news and events. I am responsible for providing WOKAS with any updates of my name, address, telephone numbers and email addresses.

  • I understand that I can withdraw my consent for any of the above at any time by contacting the Secretary.

Please pay the membership fee by one of the following two options and indicate how you have paid in the form below 

  1. Send a cheque payable to ‘The Weald of Kent Art Society’ to the Treasurer Fani Azikri, 58 Beacon Oak Road, Tenterden TN30 6RP
    (Please include your name and address with the cheque)

  2. Make a Bank Transfer
    ​Account name:   Weald of Kent Art Society
    Sort code:  20-02-62
    Account number: 20098892
    Reference:  (Your name)

Thanks! Application form sent.


Please note that your membership application is not complete until we have received your fee.

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